Friday, May 21, 2004

Lost: Underworlder. Found: Smurf.

FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2004

Logfile from Two Moons - Strongbow.


The path circumvents the holt proper, used mostly by the elves for travel to the woods behind the great Father tree. Overgrown, clinging vines crisscross the path, sometimes low to the ground causing you to cross over or under them, or push them out of the way outright as you walk. The ground here looks to have been worn down some with time and you see small bushes lie nearby, perhaps sheltering small game, such as ravitts or perhaps deer. You hear hushed noises as the holt slowly comes to life as elves and wolves awaken from the hot summer sleep.

Crashing through the woods, something big is lumbering, its way. The sound of heavy foot steps, then falling, a scramble to be upright, more footsteps and down again. Not yet visible to anyone or anything, the creature follows no path, save for that which is haphazardly felt for - and its not a very good one.

Of course there are scouts! This is Lostholt! Are you /daft/? And tonight, it's Strongbow. As the sound reaches his ears, he turns to look, inhaling the scents about him as he draws an arrow to fit onto the string of his bow. Food or enemy.... Which is it?

Taking an evening walk alone with her wolf, Redstar is out and about, following her nose to find specific berry bushes. Both young elf and wolf look up at the same time when they hear something coming alongthe apth. It takes very little for this not so little cub to urge the wolf to guide her off the path and hide.

Stumble, crash. No words spoken, but the wind shifts, and the scent, the undeniable scent of elf and deep caverns filled with darkness is carried to any elf upwind from where something is coming from. Through the bushes, a break in motion allows something to be seen, blue? But then its down again, as once more the elf crashes to the floor, getting wonderfully scratched up, but already once more preparing to rise awkwardly.

A deep growl comes from Strongbow's throat as the scent of the underworld reaches his nose. Near him, having been sitting with her mate, is Moonshade. She perks up as the archer growls. Without another thought, and only more growls, Strongbow takes aim on the smurfette.

Redstar peers out from her hiding, well she tries t at least, and listens to the on coming crashing of a much bigger being. From the wolf beside her, a low growl emits.

There's a pause in the haphazard steps of the elfess, did she hear something? Her head cocks right, then left, and then a careful step is taken forward, only for a branch beneath her feet to roll under the weight of her being. Her blue hands shoot up in the air as a counterbalance, but too late! Down on her rump the elfess goes, landing hard enough to bring tears to her eyes, but not a squeal of pain does she make.

Moonshade's eyes narrow as she too catches the smell of the intruder. She tests the water with a send. ** Who's there? ** A send flits from her to her mate as he stands ready to attack.

Ready to attack?OF COURSE he's ready to attack! Though his eyes remain on Marengo, his nose tests the air, searching for others.

Moonshade locksends ** I smell danger. But do not attack just yet. You don't want to kill unneccesarily. **

A louder growl comes from Digger while Redstar rests a hand on the she-wolf's back. She knows the others are there, so she stays put and waits.

No other scents cling to Marengo, and so, when the breeze blows again, it tells those searching the air for such - this one is all alone. The mind voice that sends, is an unknown to her, and so fear blazes in the back of her mind, and though she might be older than some, she is no adult (at least in the underworld) therefore, incapable of hiding her emotions, ** Forgive me, please. I mean no offense. I am Marengo servan... ** There's a healthy pause, and she starts anew, ** I am Lady Second of Juraido <> **

Moonshade growls softly. Her voice is harsh. "Stand up. Now! We need to see you." She rests her hands on her hips confrontationally.

Strongbow can actually remember the last Juraido that wandered through the holt. Mostly because she left a floater. Freakin' undrworlders! You're mother doesn't work here! So clean up after yourself!! Letting his mate 'speak' for him, Strongbow adds, **And keep your hands were they can be seen, dirt-digger.**

Redstar vaguely remembers other Underworld visiters, and though her adopted father is one, she's never thought of him as anything other than part of the tribe. Growing more curious by the moment, she leans up and shushes her growling wolf.

Commands, thats something she can handle, even if the minds that relay them are wholly unfamiliar. Putting her hands down on the ground, her hands fumble about, until her knuckles slam into a tree trunk, in the fashion of one blindly searching about for something to hold to. A gasp of breath and a wince, but using that trunk, Marengo stands to her full height, frame ultra willowy like all those in the Underworld. Except, there are some vast differences between her and others from below, her skin, is blue, every little bit that is visible, is a bright shade of blue. Funky, huh?

Moonshade does a double take as the blue elf stands, but she quickly recovers. "What do you want?" Her stance is firm and threatening. It's obvious she could attack easily.

Strongbow doesn't do a double take. He's surprise is wrapped up with his mate's. Instead, he merely growls more, and keeps a nice firm aim on Marengo's heart. She blinks funny, and she's dead.

Redstar slowly stands, and though she can't see what is going on, she can tell something has Moonshade and Strongbow a bit more.. surprised, than they should be. Still, she remains quiet, listening for now, though her wolf stpes back out onto the path.

Marengo slowly lifts her hands and arms to an outward - I ain't got nothing cause you'd see it if I did - position. Trembling, the leaves of some sprig of a bush rustle from her nervous motion. ** I.. I come looking.. for someone. Lord Elessardo. ** Yeah, she's real covert ain't she?

Moonshade eyes the blue elf further. "Why do you think he would be here?" Her tone is no less terse than before. She's still ready attack or direct her mate to attack at the slightest sign of danger.

Strongbow growls at the word Lord, and his upper lip curls back in cold cruel sneer. Strongbow and Lord... don't mix.

Redstar steps out along side of her wolf, not about to left without a guide, and to keep the she-wolf cam.
** I.. I ** Marengo's head hangs down, but like a perfect servant, she doe snot change the position of her body - one might wonder what the ring on her finger meant seeing her act like this, good ting she's not below. Uncertainly her sending picks up, ** I come trying to find him. Was told he left the tunnels, and... ** And like a moron, up and out she went.

Moonshade steps forward and stares at the foreigner. "So you assumed he came here? What would he be doing here?" Seeing the elfess cower, she steps up the intimidation. Her tolerance for Underworlders is as limited as her mate's.

Strongbow slips from the branch he was perched upon, his aim slipping as he does. But it lasts only an heartbeat before it returns to the underworld's heart... or the spot it should be, as the case may be. Elbow bent, and hand by his cheek, Strongbow has the arrow drawn fully, and the only indication of just how upset he is, comes in the form of a faint tremble along his forearm. Come on, smurf. Tell us you came for a tribemate. Go ahead. I dare you.

Intimidation works well on this elfess, for she trmbles even more, ** I.. I didn't come here on purpose. I don't even know where here is. I am sorry - I, umm.. if you, turn me the right way back to the tunnel.. I will go. I not meaning to upset and enter a House without permission. Please, I am sorry. I truly am. ** Her head bows even further, her chin touching her chest, her hair spilling about her. And yet, her arms remain outstretched, the muscles burning and twitching, sweat breaking out as she works to hold the ordered pose she has not yet been released from.

Redstar finally speaks up after all this time, "I think she means it. Sounds scared to me."

Moonshade looks at the stranger. "Come here!" She barks the order out. "And why did your friend leave the tunnels? Why would he be heading our way?" Though she may be shorter than Marengo, her personality is quite overwhelming.

Espeically when you couple to it Strongbow's growls. GRRRR GRRRRR GRRRR GRRRRRRR

Redstar stays well enough back she's not in the way, but she still stands where she can be seen.

** Yes Lady. ** ITs a habit formed sending, for only a Lady would command like this. Her hands do not come down, for that order was not given, and she is finely attuned to following orders - she's learned that lesson well. One foot in front of another, and Marengo walks, slowly, carefully, straight into a tree trunk about two inches thick. No sound, but she tries to slip around it, only for a log to send her crashing to the floor of the forest. But, ever do her hands stay outward as directed, even with face planted in the dirt like it is, and a send, twinged with a fraction of pain, ** I.. I don't know why he left. He did. I.. had to come to him. Or try to. ** Or die trying.

Moonshade shakes her head in frustration. She obviously thinks this elf is dumb. "Get up and get over here." She waits for the elf to get to her.

Strongbow doesn't. He looses his arrow, shifting his aim to have it sink into the soft ground by her head, just missing her shoulder. Ah.. that was theraputic. And another arrow his fishes from his quiver, and sets it to his bow. A wordless send threatens, prods, and growls. It's so animalistic!!!

Redstar starts nudging her wolf after Marengo falls yet again so that Digger can guide her to more peaceful surroundings and those berry bushes.

Marengo doesn't know what that nearbye sound was, and so, doesn't really react much to it. Instead, she does her best to stand up, a quick dusting of everything, head cast down.. But, without being told, once more her hands go out, held as they her before, and she moves closer as ordered. Tripping on this or that, slowly getting closer and closer until she is fairly certain that from the sound of the voice, she is a respectful distance away.

Moonshade gets even more irritated. "I said come here!" She continues to stand with her hands on her hips. "How do you know your friend left the caverns?"

The growl intensifies as Moonshade's iiritation grows. Strongbow draws the arrow back to his cheek and waits more, propping Marnego with sharp growl filled and snarlish sends.

Marengo is getting creeped out, and her head lifts, though the eyes that remain shut do not open. Tears can be seen rimming the thick lashes and she moves even closer, her steps extremely hesitant. And, *BAM* she ends up falling, virtually at the feet Moonshade. ** S-s-sorry Lady... I.. **

Moonshade hears the title Marengo uses and becomes even angrier. Her voice raises to an uncommon volume. "Don't call me that! I am not your Lady!" She turns away from the Underworlder so she doesn't have to even look at her.
And the growl raises up at the end of Moonshade's words, and the send is thick and palletable, **Brainless underworlder.**

You locksend ** SHe's worse than Darkedge was. (annoyance) ** to Moonshade.

Pushing herself half upright, Marengo tilts her head up, a pained expression on her face, though her eyes remain closed, no sound, not a peep is uttered from her lips, ** I.. assumed.. by.. ** Her head drops,. ** I apologize... S-send me, the right way. And, I leave your house be. I.. must ahve come the wrong way. **

Moonshade speaks without turning around. She has regained some of her control, but her question comes through clenched teeth. "Are you sure this other elf left the Underworld? I will not have him running about our Holt."

Strongbow sneers at Marengo. STOOOOPED! **We can't have /her/ running about the holt unless we want the pack to kill her,** the archer sends. Of course, while that option sounds REALLY good, the chiefly wonder prolly won't like it much.

** I.. know he isn't in his CHamber, or that of his House, and they told me he went through the tunnel I came through. ** Its a sniveling send to be sure... But then Strongbow's sending makes Mierin pale - not that any can see it because of the blue blue dye. But she tries to look stoic and certain, ** If such is your decree... **

Moonshade keeps her back turned to the Underworlder in an attempt to remain as calm as possible. "We will have to make a decision on that." She closes her eyes and sends to her mate.

Moonshade locksends ** What do we do with her? She seems harmless, but I will -NOT- allow her to wander our Holt. Shall we escort her back to the tunnel? **

You locksend ** I am NOT going anywhere NEAR that stinking hole, and neither are you.** There's a pause as common sense and that once-chief mindset comes through. **SHe can stay in the visitor's den until Cutter can decide. -grumble- ** to Moonshade.

Strongbow growls as he replies to Moonshade privately, only to lower his bow, and pull the arrow from his bow and back into the quiver at hte end of it. A sharp snort follows as he glares at Marengo.

Marengo is obviously oblivious to the glares which are given her, or the fact that someone's back is turned to her. her expression doesn't change, she merely has her ehad facing where she was pretty certain Moonshade was.
Moonshade turns back to the elf at her feet. She points in the direction of the guest den. "You'll stay here with us in that den until our Chief decides what is best for you.

Strongbow's growls cease as Moonshade speaks, and his send is almost.... almost unwilling, **We'll get you blankets.** GAH! The THINGS he does.

Marengo doesn't even turn her head to look, no, she plans to follow, its what she does, ** Th-thank you. **

Moonshade notes that Marengo has not looked in the direction she gesture. "Open your eyes." She waits for the elf to follow this command as she has followed all the others.

Strongbow watches Marengo. Open eyes means Marengo can attack better, and so, on the defensive Strongbow goes.
There is a pained expression, one of a deep heartache, not physical agony. But, Marengo complies, and she blinks a few times, then leaves them open. They glitter like eyes should in the moonlight, but there is something about them, blank, free of comprehension. Eyes may be windows to the soul, but these windows have the shades drawn.

Moonshade waves her hands in front of Marengo's eyes. She waits a moment to see if there is any response. Seeing none, she drops her hand. "Stand up."

Moonshade locksends ** She's blind. I think there is little threat from her. **

Strongbow lifts a brow in understanding. At a locksend, the archer nods, and motions with his head toward a more clear path to walk on. Sweet, huh?

You locksend ** Like Redstar. I wouldn't put it past /them/ to have done this on purpose. ** to Moonshade.

Marengo pulls at her skirt quickly, so she doesn't stand on it and send herself falling back to the ground. Stone hurts, but it doesn't have pokey things like this ground does. ** Yes... ** A Lady wants to be inserted by the elfess, but she does good and doesn't send it.

Moonshade takes Marengo's arm into her hand. She doesn't grip too tightly. "How did you get those bruises and cuts? Have you been blind all your life or did someone blind you?" Her questions are blunt and to the point.

Strongbow steps to Marengo's other side, and nicely... sorta... grabs her other elbow to help Moonshade guide the undreworlder about.

Just please don't put me in a dark hole Marengo thinks to herself, but she moves as she's directed.

Moonshade guides Marengo to the guest den with Strongbow's assistance. "Are you going to answer my questions?"

Strongbow remains silent, leading the elfess. But he's waiting for the answer.

Questions, her brows dip down heavily, trying to recall. Stammering then, Marengo replies, ** I, have been unable to see for as long as I can really recall... There was a time, but ** She doesn't want to get into that. And then she sends,. ** I.. wish.. ** It falls apart, and a strange sound is heard as the elfess collapses to the ground. With no vocal chrods, she can not make proper sounds like laughing, or even crying, her sobs sound hollow, deeper.

Moonshade is momentarily at a loss. She tries to help the elf back to her feet so they can get her into the den.