Friday, September 24, 1999

The Underworld and Lostholt Collide

**As copied from The Underworld Website. The Strongbow seen in this log was NOT played by myself, but is a part of the story of the character that I continued on.**

Date: 1999-09-24
Location: Outside of the Underworld - Deep Forest
Logged by: Rhentagoth [Garado]
Submitted By: Andrew Gray
Players involved: Rhentagoth [Garado]
Rydia [Garado]
Naeblis [Garado]
Kinhammer [Troll]
Strongbow [Lostholt]
Ember [Lostholt]
Skywise [Lostholt]
Summary: The Underworld meets representatives from Lostholt with peaceful intentions to discuss trade.

Deep Forest

Deep within the southern portion of a nameless forest, you see amonolithic mountain rise out of its evergreen carpet into the sky. The top ofthe mountain is flattened and its surface black. The large thing is a hill.

To the north a small, seldom used trail winds into the bowed depthsleading to an unseen destination. Beneath ones feet is a dark, ash filled soilwhich gleams with red and white quartz. There is something eerie about thequiet stillness.

Contents:NightfallObvious exits:Trail North

Rhentagoth steps down from the hill. He takes a deep breath, ** Very well, Ishall announce our presence. **

Rydia folds her hands into her lap, watching the events as they unfold... whata good dog...

Naeblis shifts his position slightly, and takes care to keep his crossbowpointed out towards the forest.

Kinhammer looks about nervously, his metal plates glinting slightly. He cradlesthe hammer in two hands like an old friend.

Nevardes looks around the area, alert and hands to the daggers on his waist.

Rhentagoth locksends, to Strongbow, Ember, Skywise: Rhentagoth's send blanketsthe area, seeking all the elves he can find. ** Greetings. I am Lord Rhentagothof Garado. I stand on the edge of your land. I seek an audience. **

Strongbow has arrived.

Ember has arrived.

You sense in a locksend to Ember, Skywise, Rhentagoth: Strongbow is the firsttoanswer, his send not particularly accomodating. ** What do you want,wormworlder? **

Skywise has arrived.

Ember was summoned some minutes earlier by scouts about the perimeter. Shesteps warily into the clearing, her expression matching Strongbow's send. **Why have you come here? **

Naeblis waits quietly, keeping the crossbow carefully pointed away from thewolfrider.

Having been nearby, Strongbow's already on site, eyes searching for theUnderworld party. Now, are they in plain sight? Hidden? His bow is held inhand, the other near his quiver of arrows. Just in case. Those brown eyes areintent as ever.

Rydia with a calm aura about her, stands her ground and dose not speak. She iscertainly not the strongest politicaly or physicaly here...

Rhentagoth stands with his arms at his sides, his hood drawn up around his faceto protect him from the harsh light. He bows formally, right arm folded acrosshis stomach, left arm straight at his side, ** Greetings, surface Cousins.Thank you for meeting my companions and I. **

Kinhammer watches the smaller elf warily, his hands tightening around thehammer.

Ember's hand hovers not far from the pummel of her sword. Her jaw thrustsforward as she examines the group. ** What do you want? ** she repeats.

Nevardes is standing towards the back of the group. He's certainly armed, buthe removes his hands from the daggers and clasps them in front of him, thecloak covering all.

Skywise drops from a nearly bare tree branch, his hand automatically droppingto the hilt of his own sword. He doesn't bother to send, as Ember spoke plainlyenough.

Rhentagoth smiles slightly, ** We wish to trade with you. Would you permit usto show you what we have? **

No need for Strongbow to say much more just yet. Not until he knows more, atleast. His eyes flash from Underworlder to Underworlder before he pauses atRhentagoth's send, upper lip curling. No trust here. None whatsoever. Not fromhim.

Skywise narrows his eyes. ** What do you want in return for your goods...elvesto be your slaves? <> **

Ember snorts softly. She raises her head. ** Trade? ** She sounds a mightskeptical. ** What do you have to trade? ** Apparently, she agrees with hertribesmates.

Rhentagoth looks to Skywise, a look of almost pain crossing his features. Heshakes his head slowly, ** No, we do not seek slaves. That was ... anunfortunate part of our collective past. I had hoped we could, if not forget,then at least forgive the mistakes of others. **

Rydia steps foward slightly... just enough not to offend their hosts. ** Thepast is washed away by the passing of time. We have suffered greatly from thecrimes made against the surface. **

Rhentagoth glances at Rydia, then back to the wolfriders.

Nevardes watches the proceedings carefully, glancing towards each of thewolfriders.

Naeblis looks at the other Underworlders, but remains silent. If there is aneed to speak, he will make his opinions known. This is the delegation ofanother.

Ember frowns. She crosses her arms over her chest. ** Trust is earned,Underworlder. Not given. ** Her jaw thrusts out. ** What exactly did you havein mind to do here? What goods could you have brought? **

Strongbow's free hand slices through the air quickly at Rhentagoth's send, inspite of its truthfulness. ** Won't be forgotten, even by us. Forgiveness maycome when you can prove yourselves. ** Key word being 'may.' The stern archerglares at Rydia, his head shaking back and forth once. The past is notnecessarily washed away by the passing of time, not in all cases. ** Tell mehow you've suffered from your own crimes. ** Ember's send and stance earns aslight nod from Strongbow. Good.

Rhentagoth glances at Rydia again, this time his eyes narrowing slightly.

Naeblis looks directly at StrongBow. ** And those of us who had no hand in it?You destroy the whole to rid of part? **

Skywise steps back, away from Rydia's advance, his hand never straying from hissword. ** Tell that to Treestump, who stayed with you for a time. **

Rhentagoth locksends ** We tred with caution, young Jaersendo. Your words maysing with truth, but it is best to save them for more ... amiable times. ** toRydia.

Rydia sends calmly, not feeling threatened at all by this ** To be shuned fromthose whom we may benefit from? Whom can do the same from us? Tis a pity. **She then cringes slightly at something not seen, forcing herself to take a fewsteps back.

Rhentagoth turns to Skywise, arching a delicate eyebrow.

Rhentagoth locksends ** It means nothing that the once-Lord responcible forthat is now gone? ** to Skywise.

Strongbow casts a finger Naeblis' way, eyes narrowed and still filled withsuspicion. ** Even in doing nothing, you still played your part. You allowed itto happen. ** Adding to Skywise's send, he adds, ** Flashfire, too. Youmuck-grubbing curs took a -cub- slave. **

Ember scowls. ** We have never benefited from you before. ** Her send is hard.** Why should we think we can now? **

Nevardes glances over at Rydia's actions, watching her carefully. His face,deeply hidden in shadow in the hood, darkens at this.

Rydia brings her hands to her head, shaking it softly at the bickering broughtforth by her...

Skywise turns quicksilver eyes to Rhentagoth, a frown deepening the linebetween his brows. ** All that has come from you is harm. What of the lass<> that stayed with us for a time some turns ago, but was intruth ruled by the one that she called mate. She is dead now, and at one ofyour hands. <> **

Naeblis shakes his head slightly. ** The Lady Erianvel is well, ere last I sawher. She rules the House Elessardo and sits upon the Council I serve. **

Rhentagoth arches an eyebrow and nods to Naeblis' words, ** She lives quitewell in the halls of the Underworld. **

Kinhammer shifts his position slightly, taking pains not to move too quickly.No need to offend those already so obviously hostile.

Rhentagoth turns to Kinhammer, and says, his voice soft, "Have the others putdown their burdens, Kinhammer."

Nevardes regards Skywise, arching a brow at their beliefs.

Rydia locksends ** I knew only pain would come from this... ** to Naeblis.

Kinhammer nods quickly, and walks to the group of nervous trolls. "Set thosedown and stand quiet. Those who disobey will face the wrath of the Mistress."

Ember's eyes flicker to the troll and his companions. And back to Rhentagoth.Her expression doesn't change. ** How do we know this isn't a trick,Underworlder? I've seen tactics like this before. **

** Alive or dead, she is no longer who she was if she stays amongst yourmindsick numbers. ** Strongbow's send nearly hisses at those gathered, thoughhis bow lowers by a fraction. If the Underworlders are still talking and notcausing trouble, perhaps there's something to their words. It'll have to besomeone else who notes that, however.

Rydia looks over at Naeblis, trying to keep her calm...need to keep that calmhere.

Rhentagoth turns to Ember, ** You have my word that our intentions arepeaceful. **

Skywise turns his gaze toward Ember a moment, obviously struggling with thatone...Sending doesn't lie, but Clearbrook told all of the Lostholters of thedeath of Jaylorra. He licks his lips. ** Prove it. **

Naeblis straightens noticably. ** I am the Lord of the House Juraido. I servethe Council. Hence, I serve the will of the Lady Elessardo, in part. Is that atrick then? I send it to you now? How could I lie? Erianvel lives. **

Nevardes nods. ** Lady Erianvel, previously known as Jaylorra, is alive andwell. **

Ember glances at her two companions, silent sends flickering back and forth.Her brows remain creased.

Kinhammer moves back forward, standing near Rhentagoth, and watching thesurface elves cautiously.

Strongbow scowls openly. ** Your titles mean nothing to us. ** Still tense, hewon't see a finger so much as even laid upon one of his tribe. ** You say yourintentions are peaceful. What have you to trade, then. ** Not a question, butmore of a demand.

Rhentagoth steps aside, motioning to the covered packages on the ground, ** Itis not much, but I hope you will find usefullness enough in our goods to trade.**

Even behind the mask, Naeblis's eyes narrow. The House mean nothing? Thesesurface dwellers speak insults as though they were water! He shakes his headslightly and remains still. To break the peace is not his decision.

Ember dares to take a step closer, her hand drifting back to the hilt of herweapon once more. ** Show me. ** She is blunt, equally demanding.

Naeblis looks at Rhentagoth and then at the trolls.

Nevardes smiles a bit.

Rhentagoth moves to one of the packages and opens it. Revealed is a smallselection of goods: Mushrooms, a small metal dagger, a cask of wine, a shapedstone ring. Rhentagoth sends, ** This is a selection of what we offer. **

Ember's eyes narrow as she gives the goods a brief once-over glance. ** Andwhat would you want in return? <> **

Strongbow remains at Ember's side, as much to help ensure her safety as topresent a unified front, if you will. He peers down at the package, not toocertain whether any of that would be of any worth to them. The distinctsensation of a send surfaces from his mind, but Ember's question results in itfading away again.

Rhentagoth looks to Nevardes, then to Ember, ** In return, I would ask leave totake a few of your trees to the Underworld. As well, I would like a selectionof furs, leathers, and dyes. **

** For trinkets? Will any of that keep us warm in the winter? ** Skywise's sendis full of mockery, and his face isn't far from it. ** You're asking somethingfor nothing. **

Strongbow's nostrils expand slightly at Rhentagoth's first request. ** Trees?Not from here. Not from our territory. ** He's not the chief, but you wouldn'tknow that from his send. ** The dagger may be useful for a cub, but that'sabout it. **

Rhentagoth ahs, he moves to another package, ** If that is what you wouldprefer, surface Cousin... ** He opens it, revealing a section of woven cloth,** We have also brought cloth and pottery, things of a bit more use. **

Rhentagoth looks to Strongbow, tilting his head to the side. ** Do you wishweapons, Surface Cousin? **

Skywise growls, his breath steaming into the colder air. "We are no cousins ofyours. We have everything we need, it's you that's come begging."

Rhentagoth reaches behind him, drawing forth the Sword of Garado slowly andwithout agression, then he holds the four foot blade lightly across his palms,** A weapon like this, perhaps? **

Ember grunts softly. ** A weapon like that is too large for one of us to wieldeffectively. ** she says bluntly.

Rydia tenses a little bit at Rhentagoth's actions, uncertian on how the surfaceelves would take it, or the offer.

Strongbow shakes his head slowly at Rhentagoth, knuckles whitening around hisbow as he begins to draw the sword, relaxing again as he sees no hostile intentfrom the taller elf. ** I have no use for a thing like that. ** Of course,someone else just might. He doesn't know. But something else is on his mind. **What do you need our items for? **

Naeblis slides a bolt from his quiver and holds it out for inspection. The headis metal and barbed. ** Perhaps something with which to hunt game? **

Rhentagoth nods and resheathes the large sword, ** Of course, it would be.Though we have other weapons more suitable for you, if you so wish it. ** Heturns to Strongbow, ** We require supplies which are not readibly available inthe Underworld. I took this as an opportunity to take the first step towardsremoving the hostility between our peoples. **

Ember steps forward, taking her position as chief in front of her tribe. **What exactly do you want the trees for? ** she asks.

Strongbow shakes his head once again at Naeblis' bolt. ** Good if you want toleave no game behind. ** he snorts, more than content to use his own arrows.Glancing towards Rhentagoth again, he taps a foot on the ground withimpatience. Trade may be the first step, but it'll take considerably morebefore the Underworld will be trusted.

Nevardes glances over to Rhentagoth.

Nevardes locksends ** Perhaps fallen trees would work as well? Perhaps they'dbe willing to part with those easier? ** to Rhentagoth.

Rhentagoth locksends ** A good suggestion, I will present it. ** to Nevardes.

Rydia finaly breaks down and has a seat on the hill, still watching over theevents going on. Do not worry... she in nimble enough to get up in a hurry- ifthat will be the case.

Rhentagoth frowns slightly, ** Coverings for our chambers, handles for tools,things of this nature. Perhaps, if you are against the cutting of the trees, wemight be permitted to take fallen trees instead? **

Kinhammer looks around at the bare trees, perhaps looking for others to watch.

Skywise lets his hand fall from the hilt of his sword, tilting his head inthought. ** May I see the cloth? ** but he doesn't want to get too close. Hedoesn't trust any of you that much.

Naeblis slips the bolt back into the quiver. ** Of course. How silly of me tooffer something to you. ** He turns away from Strongbow, and looks atrhentagoth, shaking his head.

Rhentagoth nods, ** Certainly. ** He moves to the package and takes from it abolt of cloth. He goes back to Skywise, holding it out for him to examine. Itis fine, woven, and looks to be rather warm.

Naeblis locksends ** Are all the surface dwellers so rude? ** to Rhentagoth.

Ember crosses her arms again. ** We don't cut the trees. ** she replies. ** Theonly trees /anyone/ may use are those already dead. ** She flicks Naeblis adark glance at his sarcasm and turns away to watch Rhentagoth's dealings withthe stargazer.

Rhentagoth locksends ** They do not seem to believe that we come in peace. I donot blame them, but your restraint does you credit, young Lord. ** to Naeblis.

The Underworlder with the bolt is the lucky recipient of a harsh glare fromStrongbow, though nothing is said in response. Now shouldering his bow, hecrosses his arms over his chest and nods slightly at Ember's send. That's a bitof approval, there.

Rhentagoth nods, ** May we have your leave, then, to take a few dead trees withus, in exchange for cloth? It seems most useful for you. We may also show you alarger variety of weapons, which I am sure would be even more useful thancloth. **

Skywise takes the bolt gingerly, as though it might bite, but does examine itclosely, running his fingers over the fabric, and even going so far as to sniffat it. ** It wouldn't hold up against a good bramble thicket. ** he sendsfinally, honest at least.

Rydia locksends ** Please end this before they take out their aggressions... **to Rhentagoth.

Nevardes locksends ** Lord Goumando has readied two additional trolls if weneed to bring additional quantities of cloth, weapons, or whatever, assuming wehave the material to bring up. ** to Rhentagoth.

Rydia shifts a little in her spot, feeling more and more uncertian of thiswhole ordeal as time passes...

Rhentagoth locksends ** Indeed. It is possible that this may be required, butwe shall see. ** to Nevardes.

Ember's expression remains dark. ** I will consider it. ** she says after along moment. It's a small concession perhaps, but there are still questions tobe answered. ** What other weapons? And what besides cloth and weapons andtrinkets? **

Rhentagoth locksends ** I doubt they would attack us. They would be foolish totry. ** to Rydia.

Skywise smiles slightly. ** You might do better to trade with the Sun Folk. Ifyou can get them to trust you any further than we do. This cloth would be moreto their liking, and the jewelry as well. **

Rhentagoth turns to Nevardes, ** If you would be so good as to show what youhave brought, Nevardes? **

Rhentagoth smiles as well, bowing slightly to Skywise, ** Your suggestion isnoted, I will bring it before the Council when next we meet. **

Nevardes looks over at Ember and nods. ** We have daggers and shorter swords.** He reaches under his outer cloak and unhitches a 'short sword' (to theUWers) in it's scabbard, and ho

Nevardes ..and holds it out for her inspection.

Naeblis whirls on Rhentagoth, gesturing furiously.

Naeblis locksends ** We made peace with the Sun Folk. They at least had thedecency to listen without insults. ** to Rhentagoth.

Strongbow still doesn't like this very much. long as no harm comes toanyone, he might be fine with this. But as Naeblis spins, he withdraws his bowagain..prepared, just in case something's up.

Rhentagoth arches an eyebrow at Naeblis.

Rydia slowly stands to her feet, surprised at Naeblis' sudden move... oh my,this cannot be good.

Ember approaches Nevardes cautiously to look at the blade. She runs a lightfinger along it. It's a decent length, though it would definitely be considereda longsword for a wolfelf. "Hmph." she snorts softly. ** Perhaps... May Isee--? ** Her head snaps around to Naeblis' gesturing and she frows,immediately backing away.

Rhentagoth holds up a hand to calm Naeblis' frantic gestures.

Naeblis shakes his head, and takes the bolt from his crossbow. He places thebolt back into the quiver, and releases the tension from the arms slowly.

Nevardes blinks a moment as Ember snaps her head, halfway in the motion ofhanding her the sword, and follows her gaze to Naeblis.

Skywise locksends ** We won't attack you without provocation. We have morereason than you to be wary. ** to Naeblis.

Rhentagoth locksends ** They had more cause to loathe us, indeed, and carriedthemselves well. These ... elves, however, mate with wolves and live theirlives as such. Take their barbs in stride, for restraint does you credit, whileoutbursts can only injure our cause. I had thought you would have learned fromRydia's speach earlier. ** to Naeblis.

Naeblis locksends to Skywise, Naeblis's locksend tingles like the sharp edge ofa thunderstorm. ** We made peace with the Sun Folk. They at least had thedecency to listen without insults. **

Skywise forces himself to stay away from Ember. She'll only snap if he tries toprotect her anyway, chief pro tem or not. Instead he circles around, inspectingNaeblis as the curiosity he is.

Strongbow points at Naeblis, then Rhentagoth. ** What are you two sharing? **he prompts, not at all liking their apparent privacy in a situation like this.

Ember's hand has drifted back to her sword. Her send is sharp. ** What's goingon? **

Rhentagoth looks to Strongbow and Ember, then sends to them both.

Rhentagoth locksends, to Strongbow, Ember: ** Forgive the privacy again, butyoung Lord Naeblis bristles at your insults. We come to you in peace and withthe hope of friendship. May I ask, then, that you save your barbs? They canonly agrivate wounds best left to heal. **

Rhentagoth smiles slightly, his send gentle.

Ember regards Naeblis for a long moment. Her lips press together and she nodsslowly to Rhentagoth.

Ember locksends, to Strongbow, Skywise, Rhentagoth: ** Honor his request. Nomore insults. We don't want to fight. **

Rhentagoth bows again, smiling, ** My thanks. **

Ember nods sharply once more. She sends openly. ** I would like to see thearrows again. Please. **

Skywise bridles, but his hand slowly drops from his sword, and he's about anarm's length from Naeblis, eyes fixed to the mask. ** Why hide behind the mask?I mean no insult, but there is little to trust in an unyielding piece of stone.**

Nevardes blinks again, looking between Rhentagoth, Naebls, and Ember. He notesher send and nods, reattaching the sword to his side.

Strongbow locksends, to Ember, Skywise, Rhentagoth: ** <> As youwish. **

Skywise locksends, to Strongbow, Ember, Rhentagoth: ** ...<> **

Rhentagoth locksends, to Nevardes, Naeblis, Rydia: ** Our surface Cousins willleave off their insults in the interests of peace. **

Naeblis peers at Ember a moment, and then draws a bolt from the quiver. Heextends it to her, holding the barbed point towards himself.

Rydia runs a finger down her own mask, noting how fearsome the natives take itto be...

Strongbow shoulders his bow again, perhaps as relaxed as he'll be for now,which isn't saying a whole lot. Suspicious eyes still travel from one elf toanother, then to the trolls present. He finds Skywise's question to be a goodone. ** Aye. Why hide your faces? **

Naeblis looks at Skywise. ** I had an experience with the daystar once... ** Hepushes the sleeve of the cloak and the tunic beneath it up, revealing a ring ofburnt scar tissue. ** I found it most unpleasant. Does that answer yourquestion? **

Skywise tilts his head away from Ember, and unconscious showing of throat, andhe's still looking at Naeblis. Not afraid, but certainly not trusting, either.A certain morbid fascination creeps over his features.

Rhentagoth hmms, ** A good question, Archer. Partly for protection, though alsoas a symbol of our Houses. All of the Lords have a mask to represent for whomthey stand. **

Rydia calls out to help clarify, ** The daystar burn us... harms us like aknife would to you. **

Nevardes turns to Skywise, and attempts to change the subject. ** Would youperhaps be interested in some of the heavier cloth our cloaks are made out of?I don't believe we have any bolts of it with us - it is too bulky and heavy forsomething we weren't sure if you would want, but some can be brought upquickly. **

Ember nods. ** That would explain it. ** she says grudgingly. She risks a steptowards Naeblis to look at the arrow head.

Naeblis quickly tugs the tunic back into place, and lets the cloak drop backinto place. ** I prefer not to wear such reminders on my face as I do on mywrists. **

Naeblis extends it further out, fletchings first. No sense in making her reach.

Strongbow's sole answer is the nodding of his head in response to theexplanations from the Underworlders, at least somewhat content with it. If theychoose to hide beneath the earth, it only makes sense for the light to harmthem. Something worth keeping in mind, too. Still, none of the items theUnderworlders offer seem to catch his eye, though perhaps he just hasn't seenanything that would, yet. Taking a couple steps back, he waits.

Naeblis locksends ** Perhaps the pottery? ** to Rhentagoth.

Rhentagoth nods to Naeblis, ** Indeed, would you be so good as to present it,Lord Naeblis? **

Rhentagoth looks at Strongbow, thinks a moment, and then sends to him.

Ember runs her finger along the arrow as she did the blade. She looks at thearrowhead and nods. ** It is possible, ** she concedes ** that we may be ableto reach an agreement. ** She looks at the Underworlders, addressingRhentagoth, whom she sees as chief. ** Do you intend to make camp in our holtor will you stay in the caves? **

Rhentagoth locksends ** You mentioned ... a child? Flashfire? Is the childwell? ** to Strongbow.

Naeblis leaves the bolt in Ember's hands and makes a series of curt motions tothe trolls behind him.

Skywise doesn't have any real interest in the cloth. Moonshade usually workswonders with the leathers brought in. But he's always too willing to holdgrudges, and maybe it's time to change that. Can't keep enemies on all borders,at any rate. ** Is there anything else at all? ** he asks Nevardes. ** That youmight have brought to trade..? **

Rhentagoth blinks, pulling his attention from Strongbow to Ember, ** You woudpermit us to stay within your holt? **

The trolls scurry forth, bringing a small assortment of pottery. Pitchers,bowls, jugs, and plates, all of excellent make.

Nevardes thinks. ** The cloth, daggers, swords, several kinds of wine, themushrooms... ** He looks at Rhentagoth to see if he's forgotten something...

Strongbow's eyes settle upon Rhentagoth, and he sends privately.

Rhentagoth nods in agreement with Nevardes. Except for different variations ofthe goods, he has gotten it correct.

Strongbow locksends ** He is well.. (No thanks to any of you, he wants to say.He wants to say it badly, but holds the harsh comment in) Fortunately. He wasbut a cub when he was your slave. ** to Rhentagoth.

Ember regards Rhentagoth neutrally. ** I was merely interested in yourintentions. ** She is honest. ** I am not convinced it would be safe for eitherof our people for you to remain within our borders for long. **

Rhentagoth shakes his head, his blue eyes on the archers', sending privately.

Rhentagoth locksends to Strongbow, Rhentagoth sends with sadness, ** He wasnever my slave. I am sorry, for I did not know that they had taken children. Iwas, at the time, withdrawn. I take no part in the harming of children, norwould I permit it to happen. **

Ember glances at Strongbow. She then turns back to Rhentagoth, clearlyexpecting some kind of acknowledgement.

Rhentagoth looks back to Ember, ** If you would permit us, we will make our here, on the very edge of your territory. **

Ember looks about the clearing. She nods firmly. ** Aye. Here will be fine. **She looks directly into Rhentagoth's face and eyes, being the alpha wolf shehas been raised to be. ** We will have scouts and sentries about. Do not enterthe holt without advising them. Please. **

Ember's 'Please' is not a begging. It's a courtesy.

Rhentagoth nods his head, bowing formally. ** It will be as you say. **

Rhentagoth senses in a locksend, Strongbow has little to offer in responce,save a mental nod and a few words. ** I understand. At least..not all of youseem the same. **

Naeblis turns to the trolls. "Make camp. Set the tents and shades well. Whenyou are finished, you will return to me for instructions."

Rhentagoth nods to Strongbow, bowing to him as well.

Kinhammer watches the other trolls scuttle to obey the orders of the LordJuraido a moment, and then turns to watch the surface elves once more.

Rhentagoth locksends ** I thank you for your kindness. ** to Strongbow.

Ember nods, satisfied. ** Then, I will inform the tribe of your intention totrade. And you and I can sit to discuss the matter of the trees. ** She stilladdresses Rhentagoth.

Strongbow locksends ** <> ** to Rhentagoth.

Rhentagoth nods again, ** So be it. Though, a minor point, ** He smilesslightly, ** How shall we address you? **

Ember shrugs. ** I am called Ember. I act as chieftess here. **

Rhentagoth nods, ** Very well, Chieftess Ember. **

Strongbow trusts Ember to handle things well enough here, for the time being -enough that he puts a bit more space between himself and the visiting group andthe current Lostholt chieftess. Still, though, he remains silent and observant.

Ember nods again. Her lips purse slightly. ** You are called Rhentagoth? ** Shetries to make sure she has the name correct.

Rhentagoth nods his head, ** Lord Rhentagoth, though you may call me Rhentagothif you prefer. **

Ember sends ** Lord Rhentagoth, then. ** she agrees. ** Fine. **

Naeblis looks at Skywise.

Skywise returns Naeblis' look with a cool steady gaze of his own. Almost as ifto ask just what he's looking for.

Rydia sits back down, having regained her sense of security. Both sides seem tobe better now, more trusting than before.

Rhentagoth looks to Ember, then to the other Wolfriders, ** I believe we willtake food now. You are welcome to join us, though our food may be strange toyou. ** He smiles.

Naeblis locksends ** You wish to see the faces we bear? It is easier withoutthe light of the daystar. Perhaps later? ** to Skywise.

Ember shakes her head. ** No. Thank you, though. I, for one, have eatenalready. **

Skywise locksends ** Count on it. I don't trust a mask. Much easier to hide howone truly feels behind a mask, wouldn't you say? <> ** toNaeblis.

Strongbow imagines their own food must be rather strange to the Underworldersas well. So, they're even in that respect. ** I've got my own. ** he answers,managing to avoid a terribly blunt 'no.'

Nevardes shrugs, guessing Skywise didn't like what he had to say, and turnstowards Rhentagoth again.

Nevardes locksends ** These surface dwellers are quite rude, Lord. ** toRhentagoth.

Skywise is much more fascinated by a locksend that was directed his way, thoughhe doesn't completely ignore Nevardes, reaching out a hand slowly to touch theedge of his cloak. Hmmm, interesting.

Rhentagoth locksends ** This is true, but notice how they try, if onlyslightly, not to offend us. I take this to be a good sign. ** to Nevardes.

Naeblis locksends to Skywise, Naeblis's send seems ambivalent. ** It can help,with those who know you little. Those who know you well are not fooled soeasily. Perhaps in time, you will not notice the masks. **

Nevardes blinks at Skywise, but stands there, letting Skywise feel the cloth.

Skywise lets go and backs away, wolfy inspection all done. Maybe Moonshade canfind a use for it.

Rydia closes her eyes behind her mask, just taking the noises of the surfaceworld... the animals... the wind... the trees. All is not new to her, but ithas been a few turns since she last heard anything from above.

Naeblis locksends ** After all... It is not the masks we ask you to trust, butus, and that is far more difficult, I would think. ** to Skywise.

Nevardes nods to Skywise. ** Do you want some of the heavier cloth brought upfor tomorrow? **

Naeblis looks then at the archer. ** And you? Perhaps you wish to see uswithout the masks as well? **

Ember turns and nods to her tribe. ** Send for me, Lord Rhentagoth, if you needanything. ** And, she heads back in towards the holt.

Rhentagoth bows formally to Ember as she walks away, ** My thanks, ChieftessEmber. **

Ember locksends ** You're welcome. ** to Rhentagoth.

Rhentagoth smiles slightly to a send, bowing again.

Strongbow turns abruptly and paces back towards the inner parts of the holt,sharing something with Ember and Skywise as he goes. At Naeblis' send, hepauses and sends. ** Later. The hunt calls. ** The Wolfriders could hear it -not the Underworlders, though. Not quite loud enough for their ears. With that,he disappears into the forest.

Skywise shrugs and starts to go, quite ready to follow Ember. But not, mindyou, at the expense of turning his back. He backs away some distance beforetaking to the trees, running effortlessly along snow-laden branches withoutdisturbing hardly a snowflake.

Rhentagoth turns to the assembled Underworlders, ** Very well, we shall stayfor a time to complete our business. ** With that, he enters in to one of thealready erected tents.

Nevardes mmms as Skywise runs off without an answer, shrugs, and turns for oneof the tents as well.

Rydia snaps back to attention, getting up from her spot, feeling fine now. Shemakes her way down the hill over to the tents, but dose not enter one.

Strongbow heads along the northern trail to Lost Holt.

Naeblis stands for a moment in the snow, watching after the three beforeentering the tent marked with the symbol of his House.

Ember heads along the northern trail to Lost Holt.

Skywise heads along the northern trail to Lost Holt.

Rydia kneels down before her tent and starts to examine the white stuff on theground... hmmm... it's cold... colder than water... and it can be shaped? Howodd... she smiles behind her mask at the powder, playing with it.

Kinhammer watches the trolls erect another tent, and the elf at play beforebeginning to patrol the exterior of the camp.